Frequently Asked Questions

What is Financial Social Work?

Financial Social Work is an area of practice that promotes individual and family financial capability to improve financial wellbeing and quality of life.* Certified Financial Social Workers (CFSW) consider structural, social, cultural, and political elements in order to break down structural barriers and provide financial education and guidance. The Financial Social Work certification is recognized and accredited by the National Association of Social Workers.

Further information:

Financial Social Work, Sherraden & Huang, 2014

Center for Financial Social Work*

What is Financial Therapy?

Financial Therapy is defined as "a process informed by both therapeutic and financial competencies that helps people think, feel, and behave differently with money to improve overall wellbeing through evidence-based practices and interventions."** This practice may address underlying causes of financial behaviors and attitudes, as well as addressing financial traumas.

Further Information:

Financial Therapy Association**

Who do you work with?

I work with those in money conflict who desire to improve their communications, money behaviors and strengthen their personal relationships around money. Although I primarily work with couples, I am open to individual work as well for those seeking to develop and strengthen their Financial Self Care practice.

Are you available for speaking engagements, workshops, etc?

Absolutely! My workshops and speaking engagements are geared toward working with social workers, employees, financial associations, and universities.

What questions do you have?